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Your Anti-Scam Genie

Genie instantly protects you from unwanted calls and spots scam emails and texts.

"AI-Powered App That Achieved 99% Scam Blocking Accuracy"


As featured on

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We have a really simple idea:

Relax when your phone rings

Genie blocks scammers and spammers automatically, and updates you with a convenient notification.

Meanwhile, you just carry on with whatever it is you're doing.

Genie Phone Call Protection

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When contacts call…

Nothing changes!
Genie doesn't intervene, letting them straight through as usual.

Hi Mom!

…and if it's an unknown caller?

Genie talks to them, and let's you know who is calling and why.

Whether to pick up or not is up to you.

Ask Genie:
Text Message & Email Verification

Scammers have gotten impressively good at making their messages look real. Honestly, who hasn't almost clicked on a suspicious link by accident?

But no worries, Genie's got your back! Genie can check any text or emails for signs of scams using his advanced artificial intelligence technology!

  • Copy-Paste Magic: Just pop in any message—from emails, texts, to social media posts.

  • Scam Spotter: Genie will instantly spot anything fishy.

  • Ask Genie for Scam Help: If you're not sure about something scam-related, you can ask Genie any questions you have.

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How Genie works

How Genie works. Genie's artificial intelligence (AI) can determine the intent of an incoming call, text, or email and so you can stay protected from anything harmful or disruptive.

Scam & Spam callers

Genie recognises spam and scam calls. When one of these calls reaches your phone, Genie simply stops them. 

Unknown callers

Not contacts but not necessarily nuisance calls. Genie talks to them and either blocks, or passes the call to you, along with their name and reason for calling.


When a contact calls, the call passes straight through to you as usual.

Does it work? Our users think so


Betty, from TX

I went from getting 20 spam calls a day to none immediately after installing Genie.

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Leslie, from GA

You've got your own personal assistant screening your calls for you, that's great!

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John, from PA

I am so appreciative of the silence now, and not having to field the scam and telemarking calls.


Ronna, from AL

I love Genie, best app I have ever used, and I have used others but NOTHING works like Genie.


Debbie, from SC 

Genie saves me from stopping what I'm doing to answer a suspicious call.

What People Say
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Time for a little peace of mind

Genie protects you

Try Genie free for 7 days

No credit card needed for the trial and cancel anytime

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