If you’re tired of hearing your phone ringing just to see it’s an unknown and suspicious number calling, you’re not alone. T-mobile reported that Scam call volume doubled in 2021: with an average of 2 billion calls per month and 425 million calls per week. With this record-breaking increase in scam calls this past year, we’ve frequently been asked how these scammers get our phone numbers in the first place and how the Anti-Scam Genie works to keep us protected?
Genie is here to help and answer these questions and many more.
Join Genie co-founder, Jason Wolf, for a webinar that will cover the latest scam trends and how Genie uses advanced AI to keep you protected.

Join Jason’s Genie Webinar to:
Learn about the record breaking increase of scams
Discover how Genie was built to combat scams
Witness a live demonstration of Genie
Hear a Genie owner’s personal experience
Understand the best things you can do to protect yourself
Uncover what’s in store for Genie in the future
Click below to reserve your spot at the webinar!